
RANK:  Major
open to US/CA only 

- Complete all tasks and forms for Private, Sergent and Lieutenant rankings.

- Buy a copy of TEN (to confirm, screen shot your online order confirmation or take a photo of your book and e-mail it to us Subject Line: PREORDER)

Complete the task for ranking a Major? Fill out the official RANK MAJOR FORM 

- one (1) signed TEN bookmark
- one (1) Army of Ten dog tag
- one (1) TEN bookplate
- one (1) TEN button
- twenty (20) entries into the gift bag giveaway

The Fine Print:
-Must Be 13+ to enter
-Not Responsible for lost or stolen packages
-All prizes are US/CAN shipping only EXCEPT for the rank of Private which is open Internationally!
- One entry per person/ per house hold